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Cornelius Buckley S.J.Nov 7, 2022 12:00:00 AM1 min read

7 November 2022

Monday of the Thirty-second Week in Ordinary Time

In today’s Gospel Jesus asserts that scandals are inevitable. They are part of our past, present and future. Then, with some of the most forceful language he is recorded using, he condemns those who cause scandal, especially to the young.

Thanks to the internet, we live in a world today where scandal is easier to come by than at any other time in history. Young people particularly are the victims of such diabolical offerings that offend the moral law, and our schools have become the caldrons where scandal is brewed.

Jesus teaches that we are responsible for our fellow men and women. Fraternal love means putting into action, according to our state in life, fraternal correction based on love, especially for the innocent.

The psalm today reminds us “Lord, we are the people that long to see your face.” That is to say, we find the meaning of true happiness when we turn toward God and away from created objects that blind our vision, which cause us and others to seek promised complete satisfaction and happiness in practices where they will never be found.

Resolve: I shall say some extra prayers for those who are the victims of scandal, and for the conversion of those who are the cause of scandal, particularly priests, and during the week, I’ll ask the Lord often to enlighten me how I can do more for those who long to see his face while looking for it where it cannot be found.

  November 7th, 2022