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Cornelius Buckley S.J.Nov 6, 2022 12:00:00 AM1 min read

6 November 2022

Thirty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time

The Sadducees present Jesus with an interesting case. Thank God for the Sadducees! He responds with a simple, yet profound description of eternal life.

That life is different from the life we now know. Different, but a prolonging, a development of what will be our future life. Human relationships and people will change in the Kingdom of perfect love, but we are already in the process of taking steps and procedures in attaining that change, in fulfilling the reason we were created.

Jesus asserted that the ever-living God created man in his own image. So, man’s vocation is to live forever.  Since I am already living eternal life, every effort I make in cooperating with grace leads me to a deeper immersion into the happiness it will one day bring. Prayer gives me insight into that fact.

Resolve:  I will pray today that I and all my fellow humans will come to know better the vocation God has given us: eternal life. Especially, I will pray for those who do not know, or deny what God’s love has called them to be now and for all eternity.

  November 6th, 2022