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Thomas Croteau S.J.Nov 17, 2022 12:00:00 AM1 min read

17 November 2022

Memorial of Saint Elizabeth of Hungary, Religious

In today’s readings we hear of two sets of tears: the tears of John and the tears of Christ. John weeps because he longs to know what God wants to reveal, yet he must wait. Jesus weeps because He longs to reveal His divine love to Jerusalem, yet this royal city does not recognize the divine visitor.

There are certainly times when we must be patient like John. We know that God has something tremendous in store for us, but that we are not quite yet ready for it. Our hearts need time to grow through prayer to more deeply long for the profound graces that God is preparing for us.

Yet, far more often, God comes to pay us a visit, and we do not recognize Him. At home, in school, at work, at church, on the road, in the store: we are surrounded by opportunities to show the mercy that has been shown to us, to show that we are grateful for the love God has poured out upon us by sharing that kindness, that patience, that forgiveness, that concrete charity, that gentle word, that difficult correction, that time for a conversation with those whom Jesus calls “the least of my brothers and sisters” and in whom He dwells. Today, when we are tempted to hesitate in doing the works of mercy, let us remember that God comes to visit us in those opportunities, and longs for us to recognize Him!

  November 17th, 2022