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Thomas Croteau S.J.Nov 18, 2022 12:00:00 AM1 min read

18 November 2022

Friday of the Thirty-third Week in Ordinary Time

“How sweet to my taste is your promise!” (Psalm 119:103)

Similar to the prophet Ezekiel (Ezekiel 3:1ff), John finds the scroll of God’s Word to be sweet. (Revelation 10:9-10) We hear in the Gospel that those who heard Jesus were “hanging on his words.” (Luke 19:48) There is a clear delight and fascination that comes with having God intimately share His Heart with us through His Word. John, the Psalmist, the people in the Gospel are all enthralled by God’s Word.

Yet, we also know that that Word of Divine Love challenges us. The sweet scroll that Ezekiel consumed preceded a mission to deliver some of the most difficult messages to the people: that of the divine glory leaving the Temple. John finds that the sweet scroll sours his stomach. The people are hanging upon the words of Jesus who has just driven out the money-changers from the Temple. Why this complex relationship with the Word of God?

Because the Word of God brings the light of divine judgement. Again, this light certainly challenges us to know the responsibility we have for our actions, to face the emptiness of sin. However, it is a Word which captures our hearts precisely because it is spoken from God’s Heart for the purpose of cleansing us as Christ zealously cleansed the Temple, making us to truly be houses of prayer in which God’s glory comes to dwell. Let us ask God for the grace to know more deeply the love with which He speaks to us, especially when we find the Word to be challenging.

  November 18th, 2022