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Jon Polce S.J.Nov 20, 2022 12:00:00 AM1 min read

20 November 2022

The Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe

Today we enter the last week of Ordinary time before the Church begins her new year with Advent. The feast that begins the last week of our liturgical calendar is the feast of Christ the King.  

Our Gospel today offers us the image of Christ the King upon the cross, upon the instrument by which he will save his kingdom from destruction. When faced with the image of Christ the king upon the cross, our Gospel presents three reactions: disdain and mockery for a king who suffers, a plea to bring salvation without suffering, and a petition for mercy from the suffering king. We can still find all three reactions to our suffering king upon the cross in our world today. Let us take the example of the good thief and gaze upon our king, who dies for love of us, and pray his words of petition: “Jesus remember me when you come into your Kingdom.” 

We can go a step further in our pray as we gaze upon Christ the King upon the Cross. Considering the gift of salvation and mercy shown to us, let our pray today, and this entire week, be the following at the feet of our King who died for us: “What have I done for Christ, what am I doing for Christ, what ought I do for Christ?”  

The feast of Christ the king calls out to us to reflect upon our reaction and response to our King who came to save us by means of the Cross. As we approach a new liturgical year, how will our love for our King inspire us to live for him anew this year?  

  November 20th, 2022