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Ulises Covarrubias S.J.Mar 5, 2023 12:00:00 AM1 min read

5 March 2023

Second Sunday of Lent

It’s fair to ask why the gospel of the Transfiguration has been chosen for the second Sunday of Lent. This episode full of glory and beauty has little to do with the starkness and trial found in the episode of the temptations last Sunday, an episode which seems to be more fitting for the season. But from the desert to a high mountain, we follow Jesus and there we witness his radiance, his authority, and a voice that, hidden in mystery and might, communicates pure love. Indeed, the true identity of Jesus, who He is before God the Father, is made known to us.

The sacred season of Lent is for us also an opportunity to deepen our understanding of who we are before God. The desert of our penance, restraint, and discipline that we have taken on can feel like an uphill climb. But perhaps, as if heading to the top of a high mountain, we gain perspective on our fragility, our restless hearts filled with needs and desires. It’s essential to remember that we are not on this journey to prove ourselves. We are on this journey to be with Jesus and to grow closer to our true identity as the Beloved. He alone, who touches our trembling flesh, has the power to tell us, “Rise, and do not be afraid.” He alone makes our humanity capable of receiving the message of love that comes from above.

There is still much to experience on this journey. May we continue to enter into the mystery.

  March 5th, 2023